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ID-10049964Tartar is formed from minerals dissolved in saliva and plaque caused by food residue left on our teeth during meals. Salt crystals form a rough surface deposit on the teeth, which can cause gingivitis if they come into contact with the gums for a long time. 

The development of inflammation is also helped by the fact that tartar provides an excellent hiding place for various bacteria. Tartar typically forms around the neck of the teeth and on the surface of the teeth facing the tongue. If the tartar is not removed for a long time, there is a risk that the gingivitis caused by the tartar will damage the bone tissue of the tooth socket, which can lead to the loosening of the teeth and ultimately the loss of the teeth.

How can the formation of tartar be prevented?

Careful oral hygiene and regular and long-lasting tooth brushing are important elements of dental care at home. It is also recommended to use an interdental cleaning brush and dental floss on a daily basis, which can be used to slow down, but in most cases cannot avoid, the re-formation of tartar. The best choice is to visit your dentist at least twice a year and have the tartar removed, in addition to cleaning your teeth carefully and several times a day.

How is tartar removed?

During ultrasonic tartar removal, the tartar is removed using a device vibrated by ultrasound, the so-called depurator. The main head of the device, which performs tartar removal, vibrates at the wavelength of ultrasound, causing the tartar to actually bounce off the surface of the tooth enamel without damaging the enamel during the procedure. At the end of tartar removal, we remove the remaining dirt and polish the surface of the enamel smooth with a special brush and polishing paste that can be attached to the micromotor handpiece.