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Preliminary tests are required

ID-10077948In addition to careful planning, the placement of a dental implant requires thorough preliminary examinations and sometimes preliminary interventions. Your patient chooses how long the time is between the first examination and the placement of the final denture. It may happen that a loose tooth needs to be removed and it is necessary to wait for healing, or it becomes necessary to lift the facial cavity, or the X-ray examination may find signs of inflammatory processes. These are phenomena in the oral cavity that it is irresponsible not to remedy before inserting the implant.

In order to rule out as many potential problems as possible, or to find existing ones and fix them, the following tests will definitely be necessary:

  1. panoramicPanoramic X-ray for preliminary orientation and approximate preliminary planning of surgery. In the recording, your doctor can find any inflammation around the root and also get a useful picture of the condition of your teeth in the jawbone: is it necessary to carry out any preliminary treatment on them (for example root canal treatment), or whether one of the teeth needs to be removed.
  2. CBFor the 3D Cone Beam CT recording, in which the doctor performing the operation can see all planes clearly, he can also perform important measurements: he can determine the bone thickness (the distance between the sinus and the bone surface, he can get an idea of ​​the exact position of the important anatomical structures (facial nerves), that is, everything that you can read information from the recording, which is essential for precise and safe surgery.


In our dental office, In VIP Dental CBCT and X-ray Centers we can view the recordings made, so please have your 3D Cone Beam CTs made here.